Archery FAQs
Central Oregon's Public Shooting Range
Since 1945
Membership FAQs
What does it cost to be a member of Redmond Rod & Gun Club (RRandGC)?
We have many options for membership located here.
Can I pay for my membership or any of the club events online?
Yes. For a list of fees for membership, events or other programs, please click here.
Can you save my credit card information and is it safe?
Yes. Our site offers the ability to save your card information and make financial transactions safely. We do NOT have access to this information because it is securely saved with our card processor.
What type of information do you ask me for?
Your name, address, phone and email is all we need to keep on file to contact you.
If I sign-up as a member, will you sell my information?
No. We maintain a private database of current members and offer a Privacy Policy to ensure your information is safe.
When becoming a member, is there a required course or certification I must take?
No. All members are expected to be familiar with firearm safety. At Rifle /Pistol, Range Safety Officers (RSOs) are there to assist with safety requirements.
Is a waiver required for me to visit the club and why?
Yes. We have a waiver which must be signed and dated each time you visit the club. This is protection for you and the club, helping us to maintain a safe environment for all.
No. We are legally not allowed to publish your information without expressed consent.